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00015 /* $Id: ccu.h,v 2005/11/18 17:30:35 greensheep Exp $
00017    $Log: ccu.h,v $
00018    Revision  2005/11/18 17:30:35  greensheep
00019    Initial commit
00021    Revision 1.1  2004/10/19 10:14:56  ocordes
00022    - starting with gboocia
00023    Revision 1.2  2005/10/3 Dirk Huenniger
00024    - finishing gboccia 
00025 */
00028 #ifndef __ccu_h 
00029 #define __ccu_h 1
00030 #include <stdio.h>
00031 #include "serial.h"
00032 #include <sys/time.h>
00033 #include <progress.h>
00036 #define ccu_errorcode_ok                 0
00037 #define ccu_errorcode_domino             1
00038 #define ccu_errorcode_load               2
00039 #define ccu_errorcode_sequence           3
00040 #define ccu_errorcode_copy_memory        4
00041 #define ccu_errorcode_protocol           5
00042 #define ccu_errorcode_time_out           6
00043 #define ccu_errorcode_vme                7
00045 #define ccu_origin_dummy_logic           1
00046 #define ccu_origin_transfer              2
00047 #define ccu_origin_image                 3
00048 #define ccu_origin_readout               4
00049 #define ccu_origin_device                5
00050 #define ccu_origin_load                  6
00051 #define ccu_origin_wait                  7
00053 #define ccu_status_idle                  0
00054 #define ccu_status_ok                    1
00055 #define ccu_status_busy                  2
00056 #define ccu_status_fail                  3
00057 #define ccu_status_readout               4
00058 #define ccu_status_waiting               5
00059 #define ccu_status_dummy_read            6
00060 #define ccu_status_downloading           8
00061 #define ccu_timeout                     10
00063 #define ccu_closed                       0
00065 #define ccu_open                         1
00071 struct ccu_database_struct {
00073         int num;
00075         int capacity; 
00077         int binx;
00079         int biny;
00081         int loadl;
00083         char detec[1000];
00085         char ccd[1000];
00087         char data[1000];
00089         char bias[1000];
00091         char trim[1000];
00093         char name[1000];
00094 };
00096 struct ccu_switches {
00097         int shutter;
00098         int breakcondition;
00099         int warning;
00100         int available;
00101         int senseline1;
00102         int senseline2;
00103         int biaslamp_active;
00104         int shutter_active;
00105         int dma_active;
00106         int remote_local_active;
00107         int low_gain;
00108         int com_problem;
00109 };
00111 struct ccu_codes {
00112         int errorcode;
00113         int function_origin;
00114         int status;
00115 };
00117 struct ccu_readout_struct {
00119         long int bytes_comming;
00121         long int bytes_red;
00123         int xsize;
00125         int ysize;
00127         int loadlist;
00128 };
00132 struct ccu_status_struct {
00133         struct ccu_codes codes;
00134         struct ccu_switches switches;
00135         struct ccu_readout_struct readout;      
00136         struct progress_struct progress;
00137         float version;
00138 };
00141 struct ccu_sequence_struct {
00142         char context[100][1000];
00143 };
00146 struct  DMA_BYTE    {
00147         unsigned    seqn        :4;
00148         unsigned    loadl       :3;
00149         unsigned    dma_req     :1;
00150 };
00153 extern int command_block;
00155 extern double ccu_shutter_offset;
00157 extern void ui_ccu_progress_changed(struct ccu_status_struct);
00158 extern void ui_ccu_switches_changed(struct ccu_status_struct);
00159 extern void ui_ccu_codes_changed(struct ccu_status_struct);
00160 extern void ui_ccu_ser_in( const char *str );
00161 extern void ui_ccu_ser_out( const char *str );
00162 extern void ui_ccu_sequences_changed( struct ccu_sequence_struct );
00163 extern void ui_ccu_zero_volt_set(void);
00164 extern char ccu_sequence_context_full[100][1000];
00166 extern serdev *ccu_device;
00167 extern char ccu_sequence_context[100][1000];
00168 extern FILE *ccu_usbdev_file;
00169 extern struct ccu_database_struct ccu_database[100];
00170 extern char ccu_database_filename[1000];
00171 extern char ccu_usbdev[1000];
00172 extern char ccu_dev[1000];
00173 extern char ccu_ctrldir[1000];
00174 extern char logfile_name[1000];
00175 extern char ccu_database_dir[1000];
00176 extern int ccu_stty_baud;
00177 extern int ccu_channels;
00178 extern char ui_ccu_sequence_context[100][1000];
00179 int ccu_test_avail ( void );
00180 int ccu_init ( void );
00181 int  ccu_zero_volt ();
00182 void ccu_done ( void );
00183 int ccu_reset_kerneldriver();
00184 void ccu_display_ser_in( const char *str );
00185 void ccu_display_ser_out( const char *str );
00186 int end_message_get_error_code ( const  char* endmsg );
00187 int  ccu_quit ();
00188 int  ccu_quit_msg();
00189 int  ccu_dummy_read();
00190 int  ccu_shutter_open();
00191 int  ccu_shutter_close();
00192 int ccu_load_sequence_context(void);
00193 int ccu_parse_database();
00194 int  ccu_start_queue();
00195 int  ccu_clear_queue();
00196 int  ccu_readout_user(char *str);
00197 int ccu_queue_pop_item(char *dummy);
00198 void ccu_queue_push_item(char* input);
00199 int ccu_upload_database_file(char *filename);
00200 struct ccu_status_struct ccu_get_status();
00201 char* ccu_function_origin_message(int funcorig );
00202 char *ccu_error_message( int error );
00203 void ccu_parse_endmessage(const char* endmsg);
00204 int ccu_get_ysize();
00205 int ccu_get_xsize();
00206 struct progress_struct ccu_get_progress();
00207 void ccu_ser_in( const char *str );
00208 void ccu_ser_out( const char *str );
00209 char *ccu_status_message( int code );
00210 void ccu_reset_breakcondition();
00211 void ccu_reset_warning();
00212 int ccu_wait_for_end_message(int timeout);
00213 void ccu_reset_com_problem(void);
00214 void ccu_set_com_problem(void);
00215 char *ccu_status_text( int code );
00216 int ccu_queue_file(char *filename);
00217 int ccu_send_queue();
00218 size_t ccu_read_usb(unsigned char *data);
00219 int ccu_finish();
00220 void ccu_simulate_image();
00221 void ccu_start_database_dowload( char *str );
00222 void ccu_start_database_dowload_basename( char *str );
00223 void ccu_set_progress(char *msg, float f) ;
00224 void ccu_start_zero_volt();
00225 #endif

Generated on Fri Dec 16 22:23:35 2005 for gboccia by  doxygen 1.4.2