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gboccia File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
src/acquisition.cControl of the acquisition
src/acquisition.h [code]Control of the acquisition
src/auto.h [code]AutoFlatField/AutoFocus
src/background.cBackground threads
src/background.h [code]Background threads
src/ccu.cCCU (communication with the CCD Control Unit)
src/ccu.h [code]CCU (communication with the CCD Control Unit)
src/error.cError codes
src/error.h [code]Error codes
src/fitsoutput.cWriting data into FITS files
src/fitsoutput.h [code]Writing data into FITS files
src/gui.cDirect GTK binding (deprecated)
src/gui.h [code]Direct GTK binding (deprecated)
src/history.cA history buffer
src/history.h [code]A history buffer
src/indiboccia.cImplements callbacks triggered by the INDIserver on reception of INDIobject from the Client side
src/indiboccia.h [code]Defines callbacks triggered by the INDIserver on reception of INDIobject from the Client side
src/iniconfig.cConfiguration files
src/iniconfig.h [code]Configuration files
src/instctrl.cCommunication with the instrument control programm
src/instctrl.h [code]Communication with the instrument control programm
src/logfile.cA logfile system
src/logfile.h [code]A logfile system
src/preview.cPreview image
src/preview.h [code]Preview image
src/progress.h [code]A structure to show be connected to a progress/message bar in a GUI
src/serial.cCommunication with serial RS232 interface on Linux
src/serial.h [code]Communication with serial RS232 interface on Linux
src/sid.cSidereal time calculations
src/sid.h [code]Sidereal time calculations
src/telescope.cParsing the status file from the telescope mount
src/telescope.h [code]Parsing the status file from the telescope mount
src/texoutput.cLaTeX output
src/texoutput.h [code]LaTeX output
src/uc.cUniversal Control (unused)
src/uc.h [code]Universal Control (unused)
src/ui.cImplements callbacks triggered by hardware events and sends corresponing INDI objects to the INDI Clients
src/vectors.cConcrete Definition of INDI transfer objects (INDI is the XML based protocol we are using)
src/vectors.h [code]Abstract Definition of INDI transfer objects (INDI is the XML based protocol we are using)

Generated on Fri Dec 16 22:23:34 2005 for gboccia by  doxygen 1.4.2