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src Directory Reference


file  acquisition.c
 Control of the acquisition.
file  acquisition.h [code]
 Control of the acquisition.
file  auto.c
file  auto.h [code]
file  background.c
 Background threads.
file  background.h [code]
 Background threads.
file  ccu.c
 CCU (communication with the CCD Control Unit).
file  ccu.h [code]
 CCU (communication with the CCD Control Unit).
file  error.c
 Error codes.
file  error.h [code]
 Error codes.
file  fitsoutput.c
 Writing data into FITS files.
file  fitsoutput.h [code]
 Writing data into FITS files.
file  gui.c
 direct GTK binding (deprecated)
file  gui.h [code]
 direct GTK binding (deprecated)
file  history.c
 A history buffer.
file  history.h [code]
 A history buffer.
file  indiboccia.c
 implements callbacks triggered by the INDIserver on reception of INDIobject from the Client side.
file  indiboccia.h [code]
 defines callbacks triggered by the INDIserver on reception of INDIobject from the Client side.
file  iniconfig.c
 configuration files
file  iniconfig.h [code]
 configuration files
file  instctrl.c
 communication with the instrument control programm
file  instctrl.h [code]
 communication with the instrument control programm
file  logfile.c
 A logfile system.
file  logfile.h [code]
 A logfile system.
file  main.c
file  preview.c
 preview image
file  preview.h [code]
 preview image
file  progress.h [code]
 A structure to show be connected to a progress/message bar in a GUI.
file  serial.c
 Communication with serial RS232 interface on Linux.
file  serial.h [code]
 Communication with serial RS232 interface on Linux.
file  sid.c
 sidereal time calculations
file  sid.h [code]
 sidereal time calculations
file  telescope.c
 parsing the status file from the telescope mount
file  telescope.h [code]
 parsing the status file from the telescope mount
file  texoutput.c
 LaTeX output.
file  texoutput.h [code]
 LaTeX output.
file  uc.c
 Universal Control (unused).
file  uc.h [code]
 Universal Control (unused).
file  ui.c
 implements callbacks triggered by hardware events and sends corresponing INDI objects to the INDI Clients.
file  vectors.c
 Concrete Definition of INDI transfer objects (INDI is the XML based protocol we are using).
file  vectors.h [code]
 Abstract Definition of INDI transfer objects (INDI is the XML based protocol we are using).

Generated on Fri Dec 16 22:23:42 2005 for gboccia by  doxygen 1.4.2