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ccd_compiled_struct Struct Reference

#include <fitsoutput.h>

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Public Attributes

double crpix1
double crpix2
double cd1_1
double cd1_2
double cd2_1
double cd2_2

Detailed Description

The Conversion Information from the (X,Y) coordinates in a FITS file to World Coordinates (RA,DEC)

Member Data Documentation

double ccd_compiled_struct::cd1_1

The "CD" matrix describing the linear relation between XY Coordiunates in the FITS file and World Coordinates /RA,DEC)

double ccd_compiled_struct::cd1_2

The "CD" matrix describing the linear relation between XY Coordiunates in the FITS file and World Coordinates /RA,DEC)

double ccd_compiled_struct::cd2_1

The "CD" matrix describing the linear relation between XY Coordiunates in the FITS file and World Coordinates /RA,DEC)

double ccd_compiled_struct::cd2_2

The "CD" matrix describing the linear relation between XY Coordiunates in the FITS file and World Coordinates /RA,DEC)

double ccd_compiled_struct::crpix1

The x,y pixel postions in the FITS file coreesponding to RA,DEC in the FITS header

double ccd_compiled_struct::crpix2

The x,y pixel postions in the FITS file coreesponding to RA,DEC in the FITS header

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri Dec 16 22:23:42 2005 for gboccia by  doxygen 1.4.2