#include "indidevapi.h"
#include "eventloop.h"
#include "indicom.h"
#include "vectors.h"
Variables | |
ISwitch | aCCUSwitches [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vCCUSwitches = { mydev, "CCUSwitches", "Bits", "CCU", IP_RO, ISR_NOFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCCUSwitches, NARRAY(aCCUSwitches), "",0} |
ISwitch | aCCUResetSwitches [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vCCUResetSwitches |
INumber | aInstCtrlNumbers [] |
INumberVectorProperty | vInstCtrlNumbers = { mydev, "InstCtrlNumbers", "Fixed", "InstCtrl" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aInstCtrlNumbers, NARRAY(aInstCtrlNumbers), "", 0} |
INumber | aInstCtrlNumbersRW [] |
INumberVectorProperty | vInstCtrlNumbersRW = { mydev, "InstCtrlNumbersRW", "Editable", "InstCtrl" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aInstCtrlNumbersRW, NARRAY(aInstCtrlNumbersRW), "", 0} |
INumber | aTelescopeNumbers [] |
INumberVectorProperty | vTelescopeNumbers = { mydev, "TelescopeNumbers", "Fixed", "Telescope" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aTelescopeNumbers, NARRAY(aTelescopeNumbers), "", 0} |
INumber | aSpecialGain [] = {{"Selected", "Selected", "%3.0f", 1, 8, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0}} |
INumberVectorProperty | vSpecialGain = { mydev, "SpecialGain", "Gain", "Special Exposure" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aSpecialGain, NARRAY(aSpecialGain), "", 0} |
INumber | aAcqGain [] = {{"Selected", "Selected", "%3.0f", 1, 8, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0}} |
INumberVectorProperty | vAcqGain = { mydev, "AcqGain", "Gain", "Acquisition" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aAcqGain, NARRAY(aAcqGain), "", 0} |
ISwitch | aACQImgType [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vACQImgType = { mydev, "ACQImgType", "Img Type", "Acquisition", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aACQImgType, NARRAY(aACQImgType), "", 0 } |
INumber | aACQNumbers [] |
INumberVectorProperty | vACQNumbers = { mydev, "ACQNumbers", "Settings", "Acquisition" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aACQNumbers, NARRAY(aACQNumbers), "", 0} |
INumber | aSpecialNumbers [] = {{"SpecialTime", "Time[s]", "%9.3f", 0, 99999., 0.001, 1., 0, 0, 0}} |
INumberVectorProperty | vSpecialNumbers = { mydev, "SpecialNumbers", "Settings", "Special Exposure" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aSpecialNumbers, NARRAY(aSpecialNumbers), "", 0} |
ISwitch | aACQMainSW [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vACQMainSW = { mydev, "ACQMainSW", "Acquire", "Acquisition", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aACQMainSW, NARRAY(aACQMainSW), "", 0 } |
ISwitch | aDBMainSW [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vDBMainSW = { mydev, "DBMainSW", "Database", "CCU", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aDBMainSW, NARRAY(aDBMainSW), "", 0 } |
ISwitch | aSpecialMainSW [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vSpecialMainSW = { mydev, "SpecialMainSW", "Acquire", "Special Exposure", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aSpecialMainSW, NARRAY(aSpecialMainSW), "", 0 } |
ISwitch | aACQFlushSW [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vACQFlushSW = { mydev, "ACQFlushSW", "flush", "Acquisition", IP_RW, ISR_ATMOST1, 0, IPS_OK, aACQFlushSW, NARRAY(aACQFlushSW), "", 0 } |
ISwitch | aSpecialSW [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vSpecialSW = { mydev, "SpecialSW", "Swichtes", "Special Exposure", IP_RW, ISR_NOFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aSpecialSW, NARRAY(aSpecialSW), "", 0 } |
INumber | aFilterSelected [] = {{"FILTER_NUM", "Selected", "%3.0f", 0, 15, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0}} |
INumberVectorProperty | vFilterSelected = { mydev, "FILTER_CONF", "Filter", "InstCtrl" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aFilterSelected, NARRAY(aFilterSelected), "", 0} |
ISwitch | aSpecialSequence [16] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vSpecialSequence |
ISwitch | aAcqSequence [16] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vAcqSequence |
ISwitch | aCCUDatabase [100] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vCCUDatabase |
ISwitch | aFilter [16] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vFilter |
ISwitch | power [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | powSw = { mydev, "CONNECTION", "Connection", MAIN_GROUP, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE, power, NARRAY(power), "", 0 } |
ISwitch | aCCUOptions [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vCCUOptions = { mydev, "CCUOPTIONS", "Options", "CCU", IP_RW, ISR_ATMOST1, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCCUOptions, NARRAY(aCCUOptions), "", 0 } |
IBLOB | aQueueBlobs [] = {{"Queue", "Queue", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vQueueBlobs |
IBLOB | aMltBlobs [] = {{"Multiple", "mult. exp.", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vMltBlobs |
ISwitch | StreamS [2] = {{ "ON", "", ISS_OFF},{"OFF", "", ISS_ON}} |
ISwitchVectorProperty | StreamSP = {mydev, "CCDPREVIEW_STREAM", "Video Stream", PREVIEW_GROUP, IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_IDLE,StreamS, NARRAY(StreamS),"",0} |
volatile INumber | CtrlN [] |
INumberVectorProperty | CtrlNP = {mydev , "CCDPREVIEW_CTRL", "Image Size", PREVIEW_GROUP, IP_RO, 60, IPS_IDLE, (INumber*) CtrlN, NARRAY(CtrlN),"",0} |
IBLOB | imageB = {"CCD1", "Feed", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | imageBP |
INumber | aImageStat [] |
volatile INumberVectorProperty | vImageStat = { mydev, "StatNumbers", "Statistics", PREVIEW_GROUP , IP_RO, 0, IPS_OK, aImageStat, NARRAY(aImageStat), "", 0} |
ISwitch | aAUTOSW [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vAUTOSW = { mydev, "MODE", "Mode", "Auto", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aAUTOSW, NARRAY(aAUTOSW), "", 0 } |
INumber | aAUTONumbers [] |
INumberVectorProperty | vAUTONumbers = { mydev, "AUTONumbers", "Settings", "Auto" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aAUTONumbers, NARRAY(aAUTONumbers), "", 0} |
ISwitch | aAutoFlatSequence [16] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vAutoFlatSequence |
INumber | aAUTONumbersRO [] |
INumberVectorProperty | vAUTONumbersRO = { mydev, "AUTONumbersRO", "Info", "Auto" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_OK, aAUTONumbersRO, NARRAY(aAUTONumbersRO), "", 0} |
ISwitch | aTexSW [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vTexSW = { mydev, "TEXOPTIONS", "Options", "Log", IP_RW, ISR_ATMOST1, 0, IPS_OK, aTexSW, NARRAY(aTexSW), "", 0 } |
IBLOB | aTexBlob [] = {{"Tex", "Tex", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vTexBlob |
IBLOB | aTexAppendBlob [] = {{"Tex", "Tex", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vTexAppendBlob |
IBLOB | aLogBlob [] = {{"Logbook", "Logbook", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vLogBlob |
IBLOB | aBackupBlob [] = {{"Backup", "Backup", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} } |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vBackupBlob |
IBLOB | aCommnetBlob [] = {{"Comment", "Comment", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} } |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vCommnetBlob |
INumber | aTexNumbers [] = {{"NCOPYS", "#Copys", "%6.0f", 1, 5, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}} |
INumberVectorProperty | vTexNumbers = { mydev, "TexNumbers", "Numbers", "Log" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aTexNumbers, NARRAY(aTexNumbers), "", 0} |
INumber | aProgessNumbers [] = {{"PERCENTAGE", "Percentage", "%.2f", 0., 1., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}} |
INumberVectorProperty | vProgessNumbers = { mydev, "ProgressNumbers", "Progess", "Log" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_OK, aProgessNumbers, NARRAY(aProgessNumbers), "", 0} |
INumber | aPreviewNumbers [] = {{"MAXSIZE", "max. size", "%.0f", 0., 1000., 1., 400., 0, 0, 0}} |
INumberVectorProperty | vPreviewNumbers = { mydev, "PreviewNumbers", "Preview", PREVIEW_GROUP , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aPreviewNumbers, NARRAY(aPreviewNumbers), "", 0} |
ISwitch | aPreviewSW [] = {{"ENBABLE", "Enable", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vPreviewSW = { mydev, "PREVIEWOPTIONS", "Preview" , PREVIEW_GROUP , IP_RW, ISR_ATMOST1, 0, IPS_OK, aPreviewSW, NARRAY(aPreviewSW), "", 0 } |
ISwitch | aFitsoutputSW [] = {{"ENBABLE", "Enable", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vFitsoutputSW = { mydev, "ASTROOPTI", "Astrometric optimization" , "Fitsoutput" , IP_RW, ISR_ATMOST1, 0, IPS_OK, aFitsoutputSW, NARRAY(aFitsoutputSW), "", 0 } |
IBLOB | aCCUINBlob [] = {{"CCUINBLOB", "CCU in", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} } |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vCCUINBlob |
IBLOB | aCCUOUTBlob [] = {{"CCUOUTBLOB", "CCU out", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} } |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vCCUOUTBlob |
ISwitch | aBeat [] |
ISwitchVectorProperty | vBeat = { mydev, "beat", "beat", "Log", IP_RW, ISR_NOFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aBeat, NARRAY(aBeat), "", 0 } |
IBLOB | aTelescopeTexts [] = {{"TelescopeTime", "Time UTC"},{"PointingModel", "Pointing Model"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vTelescopeTexts = {mydev, "TelescopeTexts", "Status", "Telescope" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aTelescopeTexts, NARRAY(aTelescopeTexts)} |
IBLOB | aCCUTexts [] = {{"CCUTerminal", "Send Cmd"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vCCUTexts = {mydev, "Terminal", "", "CCU" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCCUTexts, NARRAY(aCCUTexts)} |
IBLOB | aCCUCodesText [] |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vCCUCodesText = {mydev, "CCUCodesText", "Status", "CCU" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCCUCodesText, NARRAY(aCCUCodesText)} |
IBLOB | aCCUProgressText [] = {{"CCUProgress", "Progress"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vCCUProgressText |
IBLOB | aACQObjectname [] = {{"ACQObjectname", "Objectname"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vACQObjectname = {mydev, "ACQObjectname", "Object", "Acquisition" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aACQObjectname, NARRAY(aACQObjectname)} |
IBLOB | aACQStatusText [] = {{"ACQStatusMsg", "Aquisition"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vACQStatusText = {mydev, "ACQStatus", "Status", "Acquisition" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_OK, aACQStatusText, NARRAY(aACQStatusText)} |
IBLOB | aDAPTexts [] |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vDAPTexts = {mydev, "DAPTexts", "DAP", "Fitsoutput" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_OK, aDAPTexts, NARRAY(aDAPTexts)} |
IBLOB | aFitsTexts [] = {{"Filename", "Filename"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vFitsTexts = {mydev, "FitsTexts", "Filename", "Fitsoutput" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_OK, aFitsTexts, NARRAY(aFitsTexts)} |
IBLOB | aInstCtrlTexts [] = {{"CCDName", "CCD Name"},{"FilterName", "Filter Name"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vInstCtrlTexts = {mydev, "InstCtrlTexts", "Status", "InstCtrl" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aInstCtrlTexts, NARRAY(aInstCtrlTexts)} |
IBLOB | aTexComment [] = {{"TexComment", "Add Comment"}} |
IBLOBVectorProperty | vTexComment = {mydev, "TEXCOMMENT", "Comment", "Log" , IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aTexComment, NARRAY(aTexComment)} |
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Dirk Huenniger (dhun@astro.uni-bonn.de)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
Initial value: { {"ACQStartFlush", "Start", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"ACQStopFlush", "Stop", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
Readout Gain for normal exposure (a parameter of the CCD Controller) |
Initial value: { {"ACQObject", "Object", ISS_ON, 0, 0}, {"ACQFlat", "Flat", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"ACQBias", "Bias", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"ACQDark", "Dark", ISS_OFF, 0, 0} } |
Initial value: { {"ACQStart", "Start", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"ACQStop", "Stop", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
Initial value: {{"ACQnExposures", "#Exposures", "%6.0f", 1, 9999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {"ACQTime", "Time[s]", "%9.3f", 0, 99999., 0.001, 1., 0, 0, 0} } |
The Current Objectname, to be set by the user |
Selection of readout sequences for normal exposure, the switch at "On" state is the selected one. |
The Status message of the Acquistion System |
Selection of readout sequences for automated flatfielding |
Initial value: {{"AUTOFLATNEXP", "#Flatfields", "%6.0f", 1, 9999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, {"AUTOFLATCOUNTS", "Counts in Flat", "%9.0f", 0, 65535., 1.0, 50000., 0, 0, 0}, {"AUTOFLATGAIN", "Gain for Flat", "%9.0f", 1.0, 8., 1.0, 3., 0, 0, 0}, {"AUTOMINEXP", "min exposure time", "%.3f", 0.001, 36000., 0.001, 0.3, 0, 0, 0}, {"AUTOMAXEXP", "max exposure time", "%.3f", 0.001, 36000., 0.001, 30.0, 0, 0, 0} } |
Initial value: {{"AUTOFLATSDONE", "Flatfields done", "%6.0f", 1, 9999, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {"AUTOSHUTTEROFFSET", "Shutter Offset", "%6.0f", 1, 9999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}} |
Initial value: { {"AUTOFLAT", "Flat", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"AUTOFOCUS", "Focus", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"AUTOSHUTTER", "Shutter", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"AUTOMASK", "Masks", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"AUTOSTOP", "Stop", ISS_ON, 0, 0} } |
Backup of Latex Logging file, only the body part ,header and footer have to be added |
Initial value: { {"beat", "beat", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
Initial value: {{"CCUStatus", "Status"},{"CCUFuncorig", "F. Origin"}, {"CCUError", "Error Resaon"}, {"CCUDatabase", "Database"}} |
Selection of readout sequences for normal exposure, the switch at "On" state is the selected one. |
This blob is send to the clients whenever something is received from the CCD Controller |
Initial value: { {"OPEN", "Open S.", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CLOSE", "Close S.", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"ZERO", "0 Volt", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"LIST", "List", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}} |
This blob is send to the clients whenever a string is send to the CCD Controller |
A String descibing the Progress made by the CCD Controller |
Initial value: { {"CCUResetBreak", "Break", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CCUResetWarning", "Warning", ISS_OFF, 0, 0} , {"CCUResetCom", "Com Problem", ISS_OFF, 0, 0} } |
Initial value: { {"CCUShutter", "Shutter", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CCUBreak", "Break", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CCUWarning", "Warning", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CCUSenseline1", "Sense1", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CCUSenseline2", "Sense2", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"CCUDMA", "DMA", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CCUBiasLamp", "BiasLamp", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"CCUremotelocal", "r/l act", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CCULowGain", "LowGain", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"CCUCom", "com. p.", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}} |
An input blob, anything send here by any client will be send to the CCD Controller (via RS232) |
Input for users comments to be added to the Latex File |
Initial value: {{"DAPObserver", "Observer"},{"DAPInstrument", "Instrument"}, {"DAPTelescope", "Telescope"}} |
Initial value: { {"DBStart", "Upload", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"DBStop", "Stop", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
Selection of filters, the switch at "On" state is the selected one. |
the number of the filter currently selected |
Astrometric Optimization Enable Switch |
The name of FITS file |
Initial value: {{"StatMedian", "Median", "%.1f", -1., 99999., 0.0, -1., 0, 0, 0}, {"Stat95", "95%tile", "%.1f", -1., 99999., 0.0, -1., 0, 0, 0}, {"StatFWHM", "FWHM[arcsec]", "%.2f", -1., 99999., 0.0, -1., 0, 0, 0}, {"StatOverMean", "Overscan Mean", "%.2f", -1., 99999., 0.0, -1., 0, 0, 0}, {"StatOvenErr", "Overscan stddev", "%.2f", -1., 99999., 0.0, -1., 0, 0, 0}, } |
Initial value: { {"CameraFocus" ,"Cam. Foc." , "%.0f" ,0. , 100000. , 1. , 0. , 0 , 0 , 0}, {"CCDTemperature", "CCD Temp.", "%.1f", 0., 100000., 1., 0., 0, 0, 0} } |
Initial value: { {"TelescopeFocus", "Tel. Foc.", "%.0f", 0., 100000., 1., 0., 0, 0, 0} } |
The name of the CCD Chip, and the Name of the Filter currently installed |
Latex Logging file, only the body part ,header and footer have to be added |
A file input, for a "Queue" , a Queue is a programm that is interpreted inside the CCD Controller |
maximum size of the preview window |
Enabling of the Preview Data Stream |
general progress percentage for any operation |
A file input, for a "Queue" , a Queue is a programm that is interpreted inside the CCD Controller |
Readout Gain for special exposure (a parameter of the CCD Controller) |
Initial value: { {"SpecialStart", "Start", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"SpecialStop", "Stop", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
The time for a special exposure |
Selection of readout sequences for special exposure, the switch at "On" state is the selected one. |
Initial value: { {"SingleFlush", "single Flush", ISS_ON, 0, 0}, {"OpenShutter", "open shutter", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"Wait", "wait", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"CloseShutter", "close shutter", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"Readout", "readout", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"CloseShutterAfeterReadout", "close shutter", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"ContinuesFlush", "continues flush", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}} |
Initial value: { {"Equinox", "Equinox", "%0f", 0., 100000., 0.001, 0., 0, 0, 0}, {"RightAscension", "Ra [deg]", "%10.0m", 0., 100000., 0.001, 0., 0, 0, 0}, {"Declination", "Dec [deg]", "%10.0m", 0., 100000., 0.001, 0., 0, 0, 0}, {"MJD", "MJD", "%.0f", 0., 100000., 0.00000000001, 0., 0, 0, 0}, {"AirMass", "AirMass", "%.6f", 0., 100000., 0.00000000001, 0., 0, 0, 0} } |
The Time String of the Telescope, and the Pointing Model Used |
New Line for the Latex Logging file |
Latex Logging editing exchange file (deprected) |
User Comment to be added to the Tex File |
number of copies to be printed |
Initial value: { {"TEXVIEW", "View", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"TEXEDIT", "Edit", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"TEXPRINT", "Print", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"TEXVIEWBACKUP", "Backup", ISS_OFF, 0, 0},{"ALIVE", "Alive", ISS_OFF, 0, 0} } |
Initial value: {{"WIDTH", "Width", "%0.f",16., 512., 16., 256.}, {"HEIGHT", "Height", "%0.f", 16., 512., 16., 256.},{"MAXGOODDATA", "max. good data value", "%0.f", 1., 256.0*256.0*256.0*256.0, 0., 65000.}, {"BYTESPERPIXEL", "Bytes/pix", "%0.f", 1., 4., 1., 2.},{"BYTEORDER", "Byte Order", "%0.f", 1., 2., 1., 1.}} |
CCD Preview control structure see INDI protocol documentation |
CCD Preview binary data channel |
Initial value: {mydev, "Video", "Video", PREVIEW_GROUP, IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, &imageB, 1, "", 0} |
Initial value: { {"CONNECT", "On", ISS_OFF, 0, 0}, {"DISCONNECT", "Off", ISS_ON, 0, 0}} |
Connection Switch should be set to on by any client |
needed by Kstars for display of CCDPreview |
needed by Kstars for display of CCDPreview |
The switches to start and stop flushing of the CCD Chip |
Readout Gain for normal exposure (a parameter of the CCD Controller) |
The type of the image to be acquired |
The switches to start and stop the aquitstion (normal exposure) |
The number of exposures and the time for each exposure (for normal exposures) |
The Current Objectname, to be set by the user |
Initial value: { mydev, "AcqSequence", "Sequence", "Acquisition", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aAcqSequence, NARRAY(aAcqSequence), "", 0 } |
The Status message of the Acquistion System |
Initial value: { mydev, "AutoFlatSequence", "Sequence", "Auto", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aAcqSequence, NARRAY(aAutoFlatSequence), "", 0 } |
Numeric configuration of automated functions. Number of Flatfields to be aquired. The number of Counts requested in the Flatfields. The readout gain for the flatfields The minimum exposure time of a flatfield exposure The maximum exposure time of a flatfield exposure |
Selection of readout sequences for automated flatfielding |
Austomated functions: Automated flatfielding, Automatted focussing Automatted shutter calibration Automatted mask generation(currently not used) |
Initial value: {mydev, "BackupBlob", "Log Backup", "Log", IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aBackupBlob, NARRAY(aBackupBlob) , "", 0} |
This blob is send to the clients whenever a string is send to the CCD Controller |
Texts descibing the status of the CCD Controller: CCUFuncorig and CCU Error are described in the CCD Controller reference manual, CCUStatus is a statusstring generated by this program. CCU Database is the name of Database (firmware) currently loaded in the CCD Controller |
Initial value: { mydev, "CCUDatabase", "Database", "CCU", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aCCUDatabase, NARRAY(aCCUDatabase), "", 0 } |
Initial value: {mydev, "CCUINBLOB", "CCU in", "CCU", IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCCUINBlob, NARRAY(aCCUINBlob) , "", 0} |
Functions of the CCD Controller, that do not return anything: Open Shutter, Close Shutter, Run "ZeroVolt" Sequence (put all voltages at the CCD to Zero), List all installed readout sequences. |
Initial value: {mydev, "CCUOUTBLOB", "CCU out", "CCU", IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCCUOUTBlob, NARRAY(aCCUOUTBlob) , "", 0} |
Initial value: {mydev, "CCUProgressText", "Progress", "CCU" , IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCCUProgressText, NARRAY(aCCUProgressText)} |
Initial value: { mydev, "CCUResetSwitches", "reset Bit", "CCU", IP_RW, ISR_NOFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aCCUResetSwitches, NARRAY(aCCUResetSwitches), "", 0 } |
bits to display the current status of the CCD Controller (see the reference manual of the CCD Controller for their meaning |
An input blob, anything send here by any client will be send to the CCD Controller (via RS232) |
Initial value: {mydev, "CommentBlob", "Log Comment", "Log", IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aCommnetBlob, NARRAY(aCommnetBlob) , "", 0} |
The data associated parametes |
The switchs to start and stop the upload of a database (firmware) into the CCD Controller |
Initial value: { mydev, "Filter", "Filter", "InstCtrl", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aFilter, NARRAY(aFilter), "", 0 } |
the number of the filter currently selected |
Astrometric Optimization Enable Switch |
The name of FITS file |
Image statistics |
Camera Focus (at filter wheel), CCD Temperature as received from the instrument control program |
Telescope focus (secondary mirror) as received from the instrument control program, also user input for request to set new focus |
The name of the CCD Chip, and the Name of the Filter currently installed |
Initial value: {mydev, "LogBlob", "Log output", "Log", IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aLogBlob, NARRAY(aLogBlob) , "", 0} |
Initial value: {mydev, "ACQBlobs", "File", "Muliple Exposure", IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aMltBlobs, NARRAY(aMltBlobs) , "", 0} |
maximum size of the preview window |
Enabling of the Preview Data Stream |
general progress percentage for any operation |
Initial value: {mydev, "CCUQueue", "Queue", "CCU", IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aQueueBlobs, NARRAY(aQueueBlobs) , "", 0} |
Readout Gain for special exposure (a parameter of the CCD Controller) |
The switches to start and stop the aquitstion (special exposure) |
The time for a special exposure |
Initial value: { mydev, "SpecialSequence", "Sequence", "Special Exposure", IP_RW, ISR_1OFMANY, 0, IPS_OK, aSpecialSequence, NARRAY(aSpecialSequence), "", 0 } |
The switches to configure the the "special exposure" behaviour see gboccia users manual for details A special exposure is like a normal exposure but with some selectable operations (don't readout, don't close shutter), actually outdated technology |
Some numbers received from the telescope mount control program (MJD means modifyed julian date) |
The Time String of the Telescope, and the Pointing Model Used |
Initial value: {mydev, "TexAppend", "Tex append", "Log", IP_RO, 0, IPS_IDLE, aTexAppendBlob, NARRAY(aTexAppendBlob) , "", 0} |
Initial value: {mydev, "TexBlob", "Tex edit", "Log", IP_RW, 0, IPS_IDLE, aTexBlob, NARRAY(aTexBlob) , "", 0} |
User Comment to be added to the Tex File |
number of copies to be printed |
Function of the Latex Logging System, View current File, Edit File (deprected) Print File (at the Hoher List Printer) View backup File, Alive (deprected, used while editing) |