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gui.c File Reference

direct GTK binding (deprecated) More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "iniconfig.h"
#include "iniparser.h"
#include "ccu.h"
#include "instctrl.h"
#include <gnome.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "background.h"
#include "fitsoutput.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "acquisition.h"
#include "progress.h"
#include "semaphore.h"
#include "telescope.h"
#include <preview.h>
#include <dirent.h>


void gui_queue_normal ()
 queues a normal exposure
void gui_queue_special ()
 queues a special exposure
void gui_queue_user_readout (char *str)
 queues a user defind readout request
void init_drawarea ()
 sets up rgbbuffer
void on_darea_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer user_data)
 GTK callback for rgbbuffer expose event.
char * gui_get_warning_message (int i)
 converts a warning code to a warning message using pango markup
void gui_ccu_display_status (struct ccu_status_struct status)
 display the current status of the CCU using GTK
void gui_instctrl_display_status (struct instctrl_status_struct input)
 display the current status of the instrument control using GTK
char * ra2text (double r)
char * dec2text (double r)
void gui_telescope_display_status (struct telescope_status_struct input)
 display the current status of the telescope control using GTK
void init_sequencecombo ()
 initialize the "sequence" combobox in the gboccia main window
void gui_init_filtercombo (struct instctrl_filterlist_struct filterlist)
 initializes the "filter" combobox in the gboccia main window
int gui_init_specialsequencecombo ()
 initialize the "sequence" combobox in the "special exposure" window
int init_gaincombo ()
 initializes the "gain" combobox in the gboccia main window
int gui_init_specialgaincombo ()
 initializes the "gain" combobox in the "special exposure" window
int is_DB (char *input)
int gui_init_dbcombo ()
 initializes the "database" combobox in the "ccd database" window
void gui_done_multiplewindow ()
 parses the multiple exposure window
int parse_gui ()
 parses the gboccia main window
void terminal_add_item (char *str, char *str2)
void ui_init_acquisition ()
 set up the gui for a beginning acquisition
void gui_redraw_preview ()
 fills rgbbuffer with data and redraws it
void init_gui ()
 initializes the graphical user interface
void gui_show_full ()
 starts the external fits viewer
void gui_init_databasewinddow ()
 initializes the "database" window
void gui_init_instctrlwinddow ()
 initializes the "instrument control" window
int gui_init_specialwindow ()
 initializes the "special exposure" window
int gui_done_specialwindow ()
 parses "special exposure" window
int gui_done_databasewinddow ()
 parses the "database" window and starts the download of the selected database into the CCU
int gui_done_queuewinddow ()
 parses the "queue" window, loads and starts the selected queue in the CCU
void gui_set_filter ()
 sets the filter selected in the "Filter" comboxentry in the gboccia main window
void gui_init_ccddatabasewinddow ()
 initializes the "ccd database" window
void gui_done_ccddatabasewindow ()
 parses the "ccd database" window
void gui_init_dapwinddow ()
 initializes the "data associated parameters" window
void gui_done_dapwindow ()
 parses the "data associated parameters" window
int gui_done_autoflatwinddow ()
void gui_set_focus ()
 parses the "instrument control" window and sets the telesope focus
void gui_update_buttons (struct gui_button_struct input)
 sets the buttons in the gboccia main window to a state given by the parameter
char * imstat_string (double d)
gboolean gui_idle (void)
 performs the changes of the GUIas requested by the threads
void gui_push_item (struct gui_update_struct input)
 queues a gui change request.
int gui_pop_item (struct gui_update_struct *dummy)
 dequeues a gui change request
void gui_queue_buttons (struct gui_button_struct input)
 queues a gui change request concerning buttons.
void gui_queue_imstat (struct image_statistics_struct input)
 queues a gui change request concerning image statistics.
void gui_queue_filterlist (struct instctrl_filterlist_struct input)
 queues a gui change request the filterlist.
void gui_queue_sequences (struct ccu_sequence_struct input)
 queues a gui change request the sequnces.
void gui_set_ccu_status (struct ccu_status_struct input)
 sets the status of the ccu.
void gui_set_instctrl_status (struct instctrl_status_struct input)
 sets the status of instctrl to be displayed in the gui.
void gui_set_telescope_status (struct telescope_status_struct input)
 sets the status of the telescope control to be displayed in the gui.
void gui_queue_objectname (char *input)
 queues a gui change request concerning the objectname entry.
void gui_queue_progress (struct progress_struct input)
 queues a gui change request the progresss-/status-bar.
void ui_preview_data (unsigned char *data, unsigned long size)
 is called by preview.c whenever new data is ready for display
void ui_preview_reset (int width, int height)
 is called by preview.c whenever the preview resets itself
void ui_fitsoutput_status_changed (struct fitsoutput_status_struct status)
 called by fitsoutput.c whenever its status changed.
void ui_ccu_progress_changed (struct ccu_status_struct status)
 called by ccu.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed.
void ui_ccu_switches_changed (struct ccu_status_struct input)
 called by ccu.c whenever its switches property changed.
void ui_ccu_codes_changed (struct ccu_status_struct input)
 called by ccu.c whenever its codes property changed.
void ui_ccu_sequences_changed (struct ccu_sequence_struct input)
 called by ccu.c whenever the sequence list changed.
void ui_ccu_zero_volt_set (void)
 called by ccu.c whenever the zero volt sequence has been successfully executed.
void ui_acquisition_stopped ()
 called by acquisition.c whenever an accquisition was stopped or has finished.
void ui_acq_progress_changed (struct progress_struct input)
 called by acquisition.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed.
void ui_acq_readout_finished ()
 called by acquisition.c whenever a readout has been completed successfully.
void ui_ccu_ser_in (const char *str)
 called by ccu.c whenever something is received from the CCU's serial port.
void ui_ccu_ser_out (const char *str)
 called by ccu.c whenever something is send to the CCU's serial port.
void ui_instctrl_numbers_changed (struct instctrl_status_struct input)
 called by instctrl.c whenever its status numbers have changed.
void ui_instctrl_strings_changed (struct instctrl_status_struct input)
 called by instctrl.c whenever its status strings have changed.
void ui_instctrl_statuslight_changed (struct instctrl_status_struct input)
 called by instctrl.c whenever its status light has changed.
void ui_instctrl_filters_changed (struct instctrl_filterlist_struct filterlist)
 called by instctrl.c whenever the list of filters has changed.
void ui_telescope_numbers_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input)
 called by telescope.c whenever its status numbers have changed.
void ui_telescope_strings_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input)
 called by telescope.c whenever its status strings have changed.
void ui_telescope_statuslight_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input)
 called by telescope.c whenever its status light has changed.
void ui_telescope_codes_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input)
 called by telescope.c whenever its status codes have changed.
void ui_timer (void)
 called by background.c approximately each 0.05 seconds.
void ui_image_statistics_changed (struct image_statistics_struct input)
 called by prewiev.c and fisoutout.c whenever the image statistics have changed.
void ui_auto_msg (char *msg)
 called by auto.c whenever it wants to tell the user a message.
void ui_auto_flats_done_changed (int flats_done)
 called by auto.c whenever the number of flats done has changed.
void ui_auto_shutter_offset_changed (double offset)
 called by auto.c whenever the shutter_offset has changed.
void ui_texoutput_ready_for_edit (char *filename)
 called by texout.c whenever the texfile is ready to be edited.
void ui_texoutput_appended (char *data)
 called by texout.c whenever something has been appended to the texfile.
void ui_auto_ended (char *msg)
 called by auto.c whenever and automated operatin has ended.


guchar * rgbbuf = NULL
unsigned int * gui_previewbuf = NULL
char gui_lastname [1000]
dap_struct gui_dap
int gui_nexposures
acquisition_struct gui_normal
int gui_x
int gui_y
volatile int gui_clock
volatile int gui_filter_locked = 0
acquisition_struct gui_special_struct
GList * gui_list = NULL
sem_t gui_list_sem
gui_status_struct gui_status
sem_t gui_status_sem

Detailed Description

direct GTK binding (deprecated)

Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Dirk Huenniger (

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.

Function Documentation

void gui_ccu_display_status struct ccu_status_struct  status  ) 

display the current status of the CCU using GTK

The current status of the CCU is read using status=ccu_get_status() The elemnts in the gboccia main window and in the terminal window are updated according to status read

void gui_done_ccddatabasewindow  ) 

parses the "ccd database" window

This function parses the "ccd database" window, the results are stored in gui_observername, gui_telescopename and gui_instrumentname, for later use in the fitsfile.

void gui_done_dapwindow void   ) 

parses the "data associated parameters" window

This function parses the "data associated parameters" window, the results are stored in gui_observername, gui_telescopename and gui_instrumentname, for later use in the fitsfile.

int gui_done_databasewinddow void   ) 

parses the "database" window and starts the download of the selected database into the CCU

interger (0 means success, -1 means fail)
This function parses the "database" window. The results are to ccu_channels (dual channel readout) and ccu_database_filename. The download of the selected database into the CCU is started.

void gui_done_multiplewindow void   ) 

parses the multiple exposure window

This function parses the multiple exposure window and starts a multiple exposure.

int gui_done_queuewinddow void   ) 

parses the "queue" window, loads and starts the selected queue in the CCU

interger (0 means success, -1 means fail)
This function parses "queue" window, it loads and starts the selected queue in the CCU.

int gui_done_specialwindow  ) 

parses "special exposure" window

interger (0 means success, -1 means fail)
This function parses "special exposure" window. The results are writen into gui_special_struct.

char* gui_get_warning_message int  i  ) 

converts a warning code to a warning message using pango markup

i warning code (i!=0 means warning, i==0 means no warning)
The warning message is either black or red depending on the status of gui_glock. This causes the warning message to blink.

gboolean gui_idle void   ) 

performs the changes of the GUIas requested by the threads

This function performs the changes of the GUIas requested by the threads , is stated every now and then by GTK using the gtk_add_idle mechanism

void gui_init_ccddatabasewinddow  ) 

initializes the "ccd database" window

This function sets up the "ccd database" window

void gui_init_dapwinddow void   ) 

initializes the "data associated parameters" window

This function sets up the "data associated parameters" window, reading data form gui_observername, gui_telescopename and gui_instrumentname.

void gui_init_databasewinddow void   ) 

initializes the "database" window

This function displays the current ccu_database_filename and the flag dual channel readout (ccu_channels).

int gui_init_dbcombo  ) 

initializes the "database" combobox in the "ccd database" window

the gain combobox is filled with the names of all .DB files in the .

void gui_init_filtercombo struct instctrl_filterlist_struct  filterlist  ) 

initializes the "filter" combobox in the gboccia main window

filters the fitler list (an array, it end is marked by the entry with Null sting as name)
This function initializes the "filter" combobox in the gboccia main window

void gui_init_instctrlwinddow void   ) 

initializes the "instrument control" window

This function sets the value in the entry "Telescope Focus (desired)" to the value read from "Telescope Focus (actual)" entry in the "instrument control" window.

int gui_init_specialgaincombo void   ) 

initializes the "gain" combobox in the "special exposure" window

the gain combobox is filled with Gain numbers von 1 to 8.

int gui_init_specialsequencecombo void   ) 

initialize the "sequence" combobox in the "special exposure" window

the sequences are loaded from the ui_ccu_sequence_context array into the combo box.

int gui_init_specialwindow  ) 

initializes the "special exposure" window

This function reads gui_special_struct. And sets all flags and values visable in the special exposure window accordingly.

void gui_instctrl_display_status struct instctrl_status_struct  input  ) 

display the current status of the instrument control using GTK

The elements in the gboccia main window and in the insturument control window are updated

int gui_pop_item struct gui_update_struct *  dummy  ) 

dequeues a gui change request

dummy a pointer to a gui_update_struct in which the update request shall be writen
int (0 if an upadate request could be dequeued, -1 oterwise)
This function dequeues a gui change request ,it is called by a by gui_idle() only.

void gui_push_item struct gui_update_struct  input  ) 

queues a gui change request.

This function queues a gui change request it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_queue_buttons struct gui_button_struct  input  ) 

queues a gui change request concerning buttons.

input a gui_button_struct containing the button status requested
This function queues a gui change request concerning buttons it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_queue_filterlist struct instctrl_filterlist_struct  input  ) 

queues a gui change request the filterlist.

input a instctrl_filterlist_struct containing the list of filters to be available for selection.
This function queues a gui change request concerning filterlist, it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_queue_imstat struct image_statistics_struct  input  ) 

queues a gui change request concerning image statistics.

input a gui_imstat_struct containing the image statistics to be displayed
This function queues a gui change request concerning image statistics it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_queue_normal void   ) 

queues a normal exposure

This function queues a normal exposure into the acquisition queue, it is used whenever the "Start Exposure" button in the gboccia main window is clicked

void gui_queue_objectname char *  input  ) 

queues a gui change request concerning the objectname entry.

input a C string cotaining to be writen into the objectname entry.
This function queues a gui change request concerning the objectname entry it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_queue_progress struct progress_struct  input  ) 

queues a gui change request the progresss-/status-bar.

input a progress_struct containing the progresss-/status-bar status requested
This function queues a gui change request concerning the progresss-/status-bar it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_queue_sequences struct ccu_sequence_struct  input  ) 

queues a gui change request the sequnces.

input a ccu_sequence_struct containing the list of sequences to be available for selection.
This function queues a gui change request the sequnces, it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_queue_special  ) 

queues a special exposure

This function queues a special exposure into the acquisition queue, it is used whenever the "OK" button in the special exposure window is clicked

void gui_queue_user_readout char *  str  ) 

queues a user defind readout request

This function queues a user defind readout request into the acquisition queue, it is used whenever an "R" command is typed into the termnial window

void gui_redraw_preview  ) 

fills rgbbuffer with data and redraws it

This function fills rgbbuffer with data using the 16bit b/w data form gui_previewbuf and the contrast brightnesss gamma settings given by the sliders in the gboccia main window. rgbbuffer is redrawed afterwards.

void gui_set_ccu_status struct ccu_status_struct  input  ) 

sets the status of the ccu.

input a ccu_status_struct describing the ccu status to be displayed in the gui.
This function sets the status of the ccu for display in the gui, it is called by a thread who wants to change the gui.

void gui_set_filter  ) 

sets the filter selected in the "Filter" comboxentry in the gboccia main window

void this function return nothing :-)
This function sets the filter selected in the "Filter" comboxentry in the gboccia main window. It send the corressponding "filter" command to the instrument control program. This function can be disabled by setting gui_filter_locked!=0. This is necesseray to avoid unwanted setting of filters during the initialization of the "Filter" combox.

void gui_set_focus  ) 

parses the "instrument control" window and sets the telesope focus

This function parses the "instrument control" window and sets the telesope focus.

void gui_set_instctrl_status struct instctrl_status_struct  input  ) 

sets the status of instctrl to be displayed in the gui.

input a instctrl_status_struct containing the status to be displayed.
This function sets the status of instctrl to be displayed in the gui.

void gui_set_telescope_status struct telescope_status_struct  input  ) 

sets the status of the telescope control to be displayed in the gui.

input a telescope_status_struct containing the status to be displayed.
This function sets the status of the telescope control to be displayed in the gui.

void gui_show_full void   ) 

starts the external fits viewer

the programm given by the inifile entry [extern:saods9] is started in the background. The current fitsfilename is passed to it as command line argument.

void gui_telescope_display_status struct telescope_status_struct  input  ) 

display the current status of the telescope control using GTK

The elements in the gboccia main window and in the telescope control window are updated

void gui_update_buttons struct gui_button_struct  input  ) 

sets the buttons in the gboccia main window to a state given by the parameter

input a struct descibing the status of the buttons, to be set
This function sets the buttons in the gboccia main window to a state given by the parameter.

void init_drawarea void   ) 

sets up rgbbuffer

This function sets up GTK to display RGB data, and enebale GTK to redisplay rgbbuffer whenever nessary

int init_gaincombo void   ) 

initializes the "gain" combobox in the gboccia main window

the gain combobox is filled with Gain numbers von 1 to 8.

void init_gui void   ) 

initializes the graphical user interface

the buttons are set up, the gui_lastname variable is initialized. The font in the columned list in the CCU terminal window is set to "Monospace 10", the gain combox in the gboccia main window is initialized

void init_sequencecombo void   ) 

initialize the "sequence" combobox in the gboccia main window

the sequences are loaded from the ui_ccu_sequence_context array into the combo box the sequnce with number 0 is ommitted because it contains the dummy read sequence, which is not usefull to acquire frames. The sequence with number 14 is ommited because they contains the zero volt sequence, which is not usefull to acquire frames. The sequence with number 15 is ommited because it is probably not properly inmplementet in the CCU.

void on_darea_expose GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventExpose *  event,
gpointer  user_data

GTK callback for rgbbuffer expose event.

widget a pointer to the widget containing rgbbuffer
event the expose event
This function is called by GTK whenever it needs to redisplay rgbbuffer

int parse_gui void   ) 

parses the gboccia main window

interger (0 means ok, -1 means fail)

void ui_acq_progress_changed struct progress_struct  input  ) 

called by acquisition.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed.

input a structure descibin the progress made in acquisition.c
This function is called by acquisition.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed. It is declared as an abstract function in acquisition.h and implemented here.

void ui_acq_readout_finished  ) 

called by acquisition.c whenever a readout has been completed successfully.

This function is called by acquisition.c whenever a readout has been completed successfully. It is declared as an abstract function in acquisition.h and implemented here.

void ui_acquisition_stopped  ) 

called by acquisition.c whenever an accquisition was stopped or has finished.

This function is called by acquisition.c whenever an accquisition was stopped or has finished. It is declared as an abstract function in acquisition.h and implemented here.

void ui_auto_ended char *  msg  ) 

called by auto.c whenever and automated operatin has ended.

msg a text string desribing why the automated mode ended
This function is called by auto.c whenever and automated operatin has ended.. It is declared as an abstract function in auto.h and implemented here.

void ui_auto_flats_done_changed int  flats_done  ) 

called by auto.c whenever the number of flats done has changed.

msg the message string
This function is called by acquisition.c whenever the number of flats done has changed. It is declared as an abstract function in auto.h and implemented here.

void ui_auto_msg char *  msg  ) 

called by auto.c whenever it wants to tell the user a message.

msg the message string
This function is called by acquisition.c whenever it wants to tell the user a message. It is declared as an abstract function in auto.h and implemented here.

void ui_auto_shutter_offset_changed double  offset  ) 

called by auto.c whenever the shutter_offset has changed.

offset the message string
This function is called by acquisition.c whenever the number of flats done has changed. It is declared as an abstract function in auto.h and implemented here.

void ui_ccu_codes_changed struct ccu_status_struct  input  ) 

called by ccu.c whenever its codes property changed.

status a ccu_status_struct preresenting the current status of ccu.c
This function is called by ccu.c whenever its codes property changed. It is declared as an abstract function in ccu.h and implemented here.

void ui_ccu_progress_changed struct ccu_status_struct  status  ) 

called by ccu.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed.

status a ccu_status_struct preresenting the current status of ccu.c
This function is called by ccu.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed. It is declared as an abstract function in ccu.h and implemented here.

void ui_ccu_sequences_changed struct ccu_sequence_struct  input  ) 

called by ccu.c whenever the sequence list changed.

sequence_context a ccu_status_struct preresenting the current status of ccu.c
This function is called by ccu.c whenever the sequence list changed. It is declared as an abstract function in ccu.h and implemented here.

void ui_ccu_ser_in const char *  str  ) 

called by ccu.c whenever something is received from the CCU's serial port.

str the string recieved form the serial port
This function is called by ccu.c whenever something is received from the CCU's serial port. It is declaredas an abstract function in ccu.h and implemented here.

void ui_ccu_ser_out const char *  str  ) 

called by ccu.c whenever something is send to the CCU's serial port.

str the string send to the serial port
This function is called by ccu.c whenever something is send to the CCU's serial port. It is declared as an abstract function in ccu.h and implemented here.

void ui_ccu_switches_changed struct ccu_status_struct  input  ) 

called by ccu.c whenever its switches property changed.

status a ccu_status_struct preresenting the current status of ccu.c
This function is called by ccu.c whenever its switches property changed. It is declared as an abstract function in ccu.h and implemented here.

void ui_ccu_zero_volt_set void   ) 

called by ccu.c whenever the zero volt sequence has been successfully executed.

This function is called by ccu.c whenever the zero volt sequence has been successfully executed. It is declared as an abstract function in ccu.h and implemented here.

void ui_fitsoutput_status_changed struct fitsoutput_status_struct  status  ) 

called by fitsoutput.c whenever its status changed.

status a fitsoutput_status_struct preresenting the current status of fitsoutput.c.
This function is called by fitsoutput.c whenever its status changed. It is declared as an abstract function in fitsoutput.h and implemented here.

void ui_image_statistics_changed struct image_statistics_struct  input  ) 

called by prewiev.c and fisoutout.c whenever the image statistics have changed.

input a structure describing the current image statistics.
This function is called by prewiev.c and fisoutout.c whenever the image statistics have changed. It is declared as an abstract function in preview.h and implemented here.

void ui_init_acquisition  ) 

set up the gui for a beginning acquisition

This function sets the button labels and diables all buttons with exeption of the exposurebutton ("Break"). gui_previewbuf is filled with the value 0. The counters gui_x and gui_y are reset to 0.

void ui_instctrl_filters_changed struct instctrl_filterlist_struct  filterlist  ) 

called by instctrl.c whenever the list of filters has changed.

filters the fitler list (an array, it end is marked by the entry with Null sting as name)
This function is called by instctrl.c whenever the list of filters has changed. It is declared as an abstract function in instctrl.h and implemented here.

void ui_instctrl_numbers_changed struct instctrl_status_struct  input  ) 

called by instctrl.c whenever its status numbers have changed.

input a structure describing the current status of instctrl.c
This function is called by instctrl.c whenever its status numbers have changed. It is declared as an abstract function in instctrl.h and implemented here.

void ui_instctrl_statuslight_changed struct instctrl_status_struct  input  ) 

called by instctrl.c whenever its status light has changed.

input a structure describing the current status of instctrl.c
This function is called by instctrl.c whenever its status status light changed. It is declared as an abstract function in instctrl.h and implemented here.

void ui_instctrl_strings_changed struct instctrl_status_struct  input  ) 

called by instctrl.c whenever its status strings have changed.

input a structure describing the current status of instctrl.c
This function is called by instctrl.c whenever its status strings have changed. It is declared as an abstract function in instctrl.h and implemented here.

void ui_preview_data unsigned char *  data,
unsigned long  size

is called by preview.c whenever new data is ready for display

data a pointer to the data to be filled into previewbuf
size the number of bytes to be read from data
This funcition is called by preview.c whenever new data is ready for display. It is defnined as an abstract function in preview.h and implemented here.

void ui_preview_reset int  width,
int  height

is called by preview.c whenever the preview resets itself

This funcition is called by preview.c whenever the preview resets itself. It is defnined as an abstract function in preview.h and implemented here.

void ui_telescope_codes_changed struct telescope_status_struct  input  ) 

called by telescope.c whenever its status codes have changed.

input a structure describing the current status of telescope.c
This function is called by telescope.c whenever its status codes changed. It is declared as an abstract function in telescope.h and implemented here.

void ui_telescope_numbers_changed struct telescope_status_struct  input  ) 

called by telescope.c whenever its status numbers have changed.

input a structure describing the current status of telescope.c
This function is called by telescope.c whenever its status numbers have changed. It is declared as an abstract function in telescope.h and implemented here.

void ui_telescope_statuslight_changed struct telescope_status_struct  input  ) 

called by telescope.c whenever its status light has changed.

input a structure describing the current status of telescope.c
This function is called by telescope.c whenever its status status light changed. It is declared as an abstract function in telescope.h and implemented here.

void ui_telescope_strings_changed struct telescope_status_struct  input  ) 

called by telescope.c whenever its status strings have changed.

input a structure describing the current status of telescope.c
This function is called by telescope.c whenever its status strings have changed. It is declared as an abstract function in telescope.h and implemented here.

void ui_texoutput_appended char *  data  ) 

called by texout.c whenever something has been appended to the texfile.

the sting appended
void This function is called by texout.c whenever something has been appended to the texfile. This way a userinterface can send only the appended lines to the client and does not have to transfer the whole file each time something changes.

void ui_texoutput_ready_for_edit char *  filename  ) 

called by texout.c whenever the texfile is ready to be edited.

the filename of the texfile
This function is called by texout.c whenever the texfile is ready to be edited. It is declared as an abstract function in texoutput.h and implemented here. In order to let the user edit the textfile you have to call texoutput_queue_edit_vigilance(). After a while ui_texoutput_ready_for_edit will be called. Now you are allowed to read the texfile, but not to change it. You have to make a copy of it and do your changes there. Than you have to pass this copy this copy to texoutout via texoutput_editing_done(char* filename). This texoutput_editing_done will only acceopt your changes if less then 10 seconds passed since ui_texoutput_ready_for_edit. Or you called texoutput_reset_vigilance_device in intervalls of less that 10 seconds. This rather complex procedure is necessary to allow a client to crash without crashing the whole texoutput facility.

void ui_timer void   ) 

called by background.c approximately each 0.05 seconds.

This function is called by background.c approximately each 0.05 seconds. It is declared as an abstract function in background.h and implemented here.

Variable Documentation

volatile int gui_clock

a counter couinting from one to 20 once pers second

struct dap_struct gui_dap

a stucture containing the data associated paramters, it can be examined and changed in the dap window

volatile int gui_filter_locked = 0

disables the gui_set_filer if not 0

char gui_lastname[1000]

the last value in the Objectname entry in the gboccia main window

GList* gui_list = NULL

A list in which threads store thier chage requests for later executing during the GTK idle loop

sem_t gui_list_sem

a semaphore protecting gui_list

int gui_nexposures

the number of exposures requested as given by the "#Exposures" entry in the gboccia main window

struct acquisition_struct gui_normal

an acquisition_struct representing the choices made in the gboccia main window. It can be passed directly to the acquisition system

unsigned int* gui_previewbuf = NULL

a buffer to hold preview image (16 bit grey)

struct acquisition_struct gui_special_struct

a structure containing the seettings set in the specail exposure window. It can be passed directly to the acquisition system

struct gui_status_struct gui_status

a struct describing the current status of the gui

sem_t gui_status_sem

a semaphore protecting gui_list

int gui_x

x coordinate of the current writing position in the fitsfile

int gui_y

y coordinate of the current writing position in the fitsfile

guchar* rgbbuf = NULL

a buffer to hold preview image (24bit rgb)

Generated on Fri Dec 16 22:23:38 2005 for gboccia by  doxygen 1.4.2