#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "iniconfig.h"
#include "iniparser.h"
#include "ccu.h"
#include "instctrl.h"
#include <gnome.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "background.h"
#include "fitsoutput.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "acquisition.h"
#include "progress.h"
#include "semaphore.h"
#include "telescope.h"
#include <preview.h>
#include <dirent.h>
Functions | |
void | gui_queue_normal () |
queues a normal exposure | |
void | gui_queue_special () |
queues a special exposure | |
void | gui_queue_user_readout (char *str) |
queues a user defind readout request | |
void | init_drawarea () |
sets up rgbbuffer | |
void | on_darea_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer user_data) |
GTK callback for rgbbuffer expose event. | |
char * | gui_get_warning_message (int i) |
converts a warning code to a warning message using pango markup | |
void | gui_ccu_display_status (struct ccu_status_struct status) |
display the current status of the CCU using GTK | |
void | gui_instctrl_display_status (struct instctrl_status_struct input) |
display the current status of the instrument control using GTK | |
char * | ra2text (double r) |
char * | dec2text (double r) |
void | gui_telescope_display_status (struct telescope_status_struct input) |
display the current status of the telescope control using GTK | |
void | init_sequencecombo () |
initialize the "sequence" combobox in the gboccia main window | |
void | gui_init_filtercombo (struct instctrl_filterlist_struct filterlist) |
initializes the "filter" combobox in the gboccia main window | |
int | gui_init_specialsequencecombo () |
initialize the "sequence" combobox in the "special exposure" window | |
int | init_gaincombo () |
initializes the "gain" combobox in the gboccia main window | |
int | gui_init_specialgaincombo () |
initializes the "gain" combobox in the "special exposure" window | |
int | is_DB (char *input) |
int | gui_init_dbcombo () |
initializes the "database" combobox in the "ccd database" window | |
void | gui_done_multiplewindow () |
parses the multiple exposure window | |
int | parse_gui () |
parses the gboccia main window | |
void | terminal_add_item (char *str, char *str2) |
void | ui_init_acquisition () |
set up the gui for a beginning acquisition | |
void | gui_redraw_preview () |
fills rgbbuffer with data and redraws it | |
void | init_gui () |
initializes the graphical user interface | |
void | gui_show_full () |
starts the external fits viewer | |
void | gui_init_databasewinddow () |
initializes the "database" window | |
void | gui_init_instctrlwinddow () |
initializes the "instrument control" window | |
int | gui_init_specialwindow () |
initializes the "special exposure" window | |
int | gui_done_specialwindow () |
parses "special exposure" window | |
int | gui_done_databasewinddow () |
parses the "database" window and starts the download of the selected database into the CCU | |
int | gui_done_queuewinddow () |
parses the "queue" window, loads and starts the selected queue in the CCU | |
void | gui_set_filter () |
sets the filter selected in the "Filter" comboxentry in the gboccia main window | |
void | gui_init_ccddatabasewinddow () |
initializes the "ccd database" window | |
void | gui_done_ccddatabasewindow () |
parses the "ccd database" window | |
void | gui_init_dapwinddow () |
initializes the "data associated parameters" window | |
void | gui_done_dapwindow () |
parses the "data associated parameters" window | |
int | gui_done_autoflatwinddow () |
void | gui_set_focus () |
parses the "instrument control" window and sets the telesope focus | |
void | gui_update_buttons (struct gui_button_struct input) |
sets the buttons in the gboccia main window to a state given by the parameter | |
char * | imstat_string (double d) |
gboolean | gui_idle (void) |
performs the changes of the GUIas requested by the threads | |
void | gui_push_item (struct gui_update_struct input) |
queues a gui change request. | |
int | gui_pop_item (struct gui_update_struct *dummy) |
dequeues a gui change request | |
void | gui_queue_buttons (struct gui_button_struct input) |
queues a gui change request concerning buttons. | |
void | gui_queue_imstat (struct image_statistics_struct input) |
queues a gui change request concerning image statistics. | |
void | gui_queue_filterlist (struct instctrl_filterlist_struct input) |
queues a gui change request the filterlist. | |
void | gui_queue_sequences (struct ccu_sequence_struct input) |
queues a gui change request the sequnces. | |
void | gui_set_ccu_status (struct ccu_status_struct input) |
sets the status of the ccu. | |
void | gui_set_instctrl_status (struct instctrl_status_struct input) |
sets the status of instctrl to be displayed in the gui. | |
void | gui_set_telescope_status (struct telescope_status_struct input) |
sets the status of the telescope control to be displayed in the gui. | |
void | gui_queue_objectname (char *input) |
queues a gui change request concerning the objectname entry. | |
void | gui_queue_progress (struct progress_struct input) |
queues a gui change request the progresss-/status-bar. | |
void | ui_preview_data (unsigned char *data, unsigned long size) |
is called by preview.c whenever new data is ready for display | |
void | ui_preview_reset (int width, int height) |
is called by preview.c whenever the preview resets itself | |
void | ui_fitsoutput_status_changed (struct fitsoutput_status_struct status) |
called by fitsoutput.c whenever its status changed. | |
void | ui_ccu_progress_changed (struct ccu_status_struct status) |
called by ccu.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed. | |
void | ui_ccu_switches_changed (struct ccu_status_struct input) |
called by ccu.c whenever its switches property changed. | |
void | ui_ccu_codes_changed (struct ccu_status_struct input) |
called by ccu.c whenever its codes property changed. | |
void | ui_ccu_sequences_changed (struct ccu_sequence_struct input) |
called by ccu.c whenever the sequence list changed. | |
void | ui_ccu_zero_volt_set (void) |
called by ccu.c whenever the zero volt sequence has been successfully executed. | |
void | ui_acquisition_stopped () |
called by acquisition.c whenever an accquisition was stopped or has finished. | |
void | ui_acq_progress_changed (struct progress_struct input) |
called by acquisition.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed. | |
void | ui_acq_readout_finished () |
called by acquisition.c whenever a readout has been completed successfully. | |
void | ui_ccu_ser_in (const char *str) |
called by ccu.c whenever something is received from the CCU's serial port. | |
void | ui_ccu_ser_out (const char *str) |
called by ccu.c whenever something is send to the CCU's serial port. | |
void | ui_instctrl_numbers_changed (struct instctrl_status_struct input) |
called by instctrl.c whenever its status numbers have changed. | |
void | ui_instctrl_strings_changed (struct instctrl_status_struct input) |
called by instctrl.c whenever its status strings have changed. | |
void | ui_instctrl_statuslight_changed (struct instctrl_status_struct input) |
called by instctrl.c whenever its status light has changed. | |
void | ui_instctrl_filters_changed (struct instctrl_filterlist_struct filterlist) |
called by instctrl.c whenever the list of filters has changed. | |
void | ui_telescope_numbers_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input) |
called by telescope.c whenever its status numbers have changed. | |
void | ui_telescope_strings_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input) |
called by telescope.c whenever its status strings have changed. | |
void | ui_telescope_statuslight_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input) |
called by telescope.c whenever its status light has changed. | |
void | ui_telescope_codes_changed (struct telescope_status_struct input) |
called by telescope.c whenever its status codes have changed. | |
void | ui_timer (void) |
called by background.c approximately each 0.05 seconds. | |
void | ui_image_statistics_changed (struct image_statistics_struct input) |
called by prewiev.c and fisoutout.c whenever the image statistics have changed. | |
void | ui_auto_msg (char *msg) |
called by auto.c whenever it wants to tell the user a message. | |
void | ui_auto_flats_done_changed (int flats_done) |
called by auto.c whenever the number of flats done has changed. | |
void | ui_auto_shutter_offset_changed (double offset) |
called by auto.c whenever the shutter_offset has changed. | |
void | ui_texoutput_ready_for_edit (char *filename) |
called by texout.c whenever the texfile is ready to be edited. | |
void | ui_texoutput_appended (char *data) |
called by texout.c whenever something has been appended to the texfile. | |
void | ui_auto_ended (char *msg) |
called by auto.c whenever and automated operatin has ended. | |
Variables | |
guchar * | rgbbuf = NULL |
unsigned int * | gui_previewbuf = NULL |
char | gui_lastname [1000] |
dap_struct | gui_dap |
int | gui_nexposures |
acquisition_struct | gui_normal |
int | gui_x |
int | gui_y |
volatile int | gui_clock |
volatile int | gui_filter_locked = 0 |
acquisition_struct | gui_special_struct |
GList * | gui_list = NULL |
sem_t | gui_list_sem |
gui_status_struct | gui_status |
sem_t | gui_status_sem |
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Dirk Huenniger (dhun@astro.uni-bonn.de)
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
display the current status of the CCU using GTK
parses the "ccd database" window
parses the "data associated parameters" window
parses the "database" window and starts the download of the selected database into the CCU
parses the multiple exposure window
parses the "queue" window, loads and starts the selected queue in the CCU
parses "special exposure" window
converts a warning code to a warning message using pango markup
performs the changes of the GUIas requested by the threads
initializes the "ccd database" window
initializes the "data associated parameters" window
initializes the "database" window
initializes the "database" combobox in the "ccd database" window
initializes the "filter" combobox in the gboccia main window
initializes the "instrument control" window
initializes the "gain" combobox in the "special exposure" window
initialize the "sequence" combobox in the "special exposure" window
initializes the "special exposure" window
display the current status of the instrument control using GTK
dequeues a gui change request
queues a gui change request.
queues a gui change request concerning buttons.
queues a gui change request the filterlist.
queues a gui change request concerning image statistics.
queues a normal exposure
queues a gui change request concerning the objectname entry.
queues a gui change request the progresss-/status-bar.
queues a gui change request the sequnces.
queues a special exposure
queues a user defind readout request
fills rgbbuffer with data and redraws it
sets the status of the ccu.
sets the filter selected in the "Filter" comboxentry in the gboccia main window
parses the "instrument control" window and sets the telesope focus
sets the status of instctrl to be displayed in the gui.
sets the status of the telescope control to be displayed in the gui.
starts the external fits viewer
display the current status of the telescope control using GTK
sets the buttons in the gboccia main window to a state given by the parameter
sets up rgbbuffer
initializes the "gain" combobox in the gboccia main window
initializes the graphical user interface
initialize the "sequence" combobox in the gboccia main window
GTK callback for rgbbuffer expose event.
parses the gboccia main window
called by acquisition.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed.
called by acquisition.c whenever a readout has been completed successfully.
called by acquisition.c whenever an accquisition was stopped or has finished.
called by auto.c whenever and automated operatin has ended.
called by auto.c whenever the number of flats done has changed.
called by auto.c whenever it wants to tell the user a message.
called by auto.c whenever the shutter_offset has changed.
called by ccu.c whenever its codes property changed.
called by ccu.c whenever its progress-/status- property has changed.
called by ccu.c whenever the sequence list changed.
called by ccu.c whenever something is received from the CCU's serial port.
called by ccu.c whenever something is send to the CCU's serial port.
called by ccu.c whenever its switches property changed.
called by ccu.c whenever the zero volt sequence has been successfully executed.
called by fitsoutput.c whenever its status changed.
called by prewiev.c and fisoutout.c whenever the image statistics have changed.
set up the gui for a beginning acquisition
called by instctrl.c whenever the list of filters has changed.
called by instctrl.c whenever its status numbers have changed.
called by instctrl.c whenever its status light has changed.
called by instctrl.c whenever its status strings have changed.
is called by preview.c whenever new data is ready for display
is called by preview.c whenever the preview resets itself
called by telescope.c whenever its status codes have changed.
called by telescope.c whenever its status numbers have changed.
called by telescope.c whenever its status light has changed.
called by telescope.c whenever its status strings have changed.
called by texout.c whenever something has been appended to the texfile.
called by texout.c whenever the texfile is ready to be edited.
called by background.c approximately each 0.05 seconds.
a counter couinting from one to 20 once pers second |
a stucture containing the data associated paramters, it can be examined and changed in the dap window |
disables the gui_set_filer if not 0 |
the last value in the Objectname entry in the gboccia main window |
A list in which threads store thier chage requests for later executing during the GTK idle loop |
a semaphore protecting gui_list |
the number of exposures requested as given by the "#Exposures" entry in the gboccia main window |
an acquisition_struct representing the choices made in the gboccia main window. It can be passed directly to the acquisition system |
a buffer to hold preview image (16 bit grey) |
a structure containing the seettings set in the specail exposure window. It can be passed directly to the acquisition system |
a struct describing the current status of the gui |
a semaphore protecting gui_list |
x coordinate of the current writing position in the fitsfile |
y coordinate of the current writing position in the fitsfile |
a buffer to hold preview image (24bit rgb) |